Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Is it real?

A lot of people ask if Magic and the Supernatural are real. The simple answer is yes.

Here is a more complicated answer:
Let's face it. There are things that just cannot be explained. Everyone has experienced something that just defies the human ability to justify or understand. These things fall into the realm of the Occult or Supernatural.
What people don't know is that there is an entire world of things that happen everyday that would shock them out of their minds if they really knew. A lot of what people think is out there has be sensationalized by the media and Hollywood. However, that does not change the fact that there are things out there that are outside the norm. So what is real and what has been sensationalized? It would honestly take me a lifetime to explain in this forum.
I have experienced more than my fair share of things that fall into the category of the supernatural. I would love to share them all with you but, frankly, I'm not allowed to tell my stories. If you ask specific questions I will answer them to the best of my ability.

I feel those who know should try to help those who don't.

Cemel Dosce

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