Sunday, May 30, 2010

A note to those new to the occult

Today's article:
A note on casting. There are a few basic things that you should know before you venture into the occult art of casting spells.
1. Always know what you are getting into!
a. Never attempt to cast anything that you have little to no knowledge of.
b. Never cast anything that is vague or open to interpretation, especially . by yourself
2. Never cast anything that you have not researched yourself!
a. This doesn't mean that you have to write all your spells. It just means . that if you are going to cast a spell that was obtained from another . (even a trusted friend)you should research it thoroughly. Know what each . component does and why it's there.
. b. There are so many things that can go wrong with spells, and a . misinterpretation or translation error could mean the difference . between success and a horrible outcome.
c. Many of the spells we have now have been created in the past few . centuries, but languages change and evolve. What meant one thing at one . time could have a different meaning to you in this day and age. Since . you are the caster you need to adjust the spell for your specific . mannerisms and casting type.
3. NEVER TRY AND CAST ANY SPELL THAT IS BEYOND YOU! This is a big one. let's face it there are those out there for whom casting is second nature to them and they can do some really impressive things, BUT there are also those out there who know just enough to be dangerous. If you encounter anything that makes you doubt for an instant that you can or should be doing it STOP. That is a warning that this is beyond you and you shouldn't proceed.

Know this: If you get in over your head there are those out there that can help you, but if they are helping dabblers out with their mistakes there are fewer to help out with the bigger issues that are out there.

Cemel Dosce

Intro To This Blog

Hello; Normally sharing this type of information is out of the question, however, due to the recent rise in people interested in the Occult and paranormal several of us have gotten together and will be helping people with their questions and problems. To avoid any issues with the rest of the occult community we will be doing this anomalously.
So if you have a question or just want insight on something post it here.
All questions will be addressed in due time so don't think you are being ignored.

Cemel Dosce