Tuesday, August 10, 2010


There is a nasty trend in the world now where it had become more and more acceptable for evil to win out. In literature and movies this theme has become a disturbing trend. After a lot of discussion we have come to the conclusion that this is because the forces of good are too good at noninterference. The forces of good act upon humanity with minimal impact. They do things in the background, and rarely get noticed. A predominance of things in this world that are deemed miracles are really the forces of good exerting their influence. While evil is seductive, and easily noticeable good forgoes praise to move on to the next encounter.
Just as the more notable creatures of darkness exist, ie. Vampires, Werewolves, Shape Shifters, Parasites, and Evil spell casters, there are a wide array of good creatures out there. (Sorry if the term creatures offends anyone but it is the most apt term for this discussion). While we are sure the forces of good don't want to be outed in a forum such as this, I encourage those of you that have had encounters with people like us to share your stories with others, and let the light of those who have helped you shine brighter and farther.
If anyone has any questions about or may need assistance from a creature of good, please leave a comment with contact info, even if it is just an e-mail. There are those out there who can and do push back the darkness. In the long run Good will win, but only if good people stand up. When a good man does nothing then evil wins.

Cemel Dosce

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