Sorry for the break in the blog, but we had an issue that we had to attend to. It went well in the sense that everyone came back from it. Since this little excursion we have decided to talk about precautions one can take if they suspect that something evil is near them or perhaps trying to harm them or the town or city they live in.
This is more common than one might think. Humans have a highly evolved sense of self preservation, but the idea of magic, extra sensory perception, and such has been shunned and suppressed for so long that whenever some has a sense that something my be wrong, there is no quantifiable name or way to identify it. So if you are ever in a place or with a person and you get the sensation that something isn't quite right then there is most likely someone or thing in your immediate area is... well in a short word, bad. Or they are planning something bad. The best way that we have found for the average human to protect themselves is to be aware of this sense and trust it. When you get that ominous feeling, look around and try to identify what is giving it to you. Don't just shrug it off and go on with your day. If it is something that truly unnerves you it may be a bit uncomfortable but you may just be in a position to give information to someone or even do something that will prevent bad things from happening.
In such a case the more information you have the better. The situation we were just in provides us with a really good example. A group of individuals were planning a robbery of an item that they needed for a very dangerous ritual. We were called in by someone that was related to the owner of a greenhouse. This owner knew that there was something not quite right about the individuals who were frequenting his hot house. She contacted her relative who was in law enforcement and down the chain we were called in. This hot house owner was so perturbed by these people that she wrote down what they bought from here. This list of seemingly unrelated plants had some unimportant items in it but Sara was able to look over the list and figure out what they were up to. With my talents and a little research we were able to find out that they were planning sealing one of the last items they needed, and we were able to stop the robbery and therefor the ritual by making a couple of calls to the owner of the item and the local law enforcement.
We were able to accomplish this because the hot house owner trusted her instincts, and though she just took a small action and she will never know what she was able to prevent, she saved several lives.
So keep your eyes open and don't just shrug off feelings that you can't explain.
Cemel Dosce
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