Friday, June 11, 2010


There are ghosts in the world, and to be classified as a ghost it has to be the remnant energy of a departed human,or animal. I make the assertion that it has to be a departed human or animal because if it was never from this world then it is something entirely different, but this post is about ghosts. A ghost is a remnant of a person whose physical body has died but their energy has stuck around. Most of them don't have enough energy to have any effect on the world around them; in fact they barely have the energy to manifest themselves. Ghosts can appear in several different ways. If they have enough energy to manifest on their own; then they usually appear as some sort of luminescent shape. They may not have enough energy to reform an image of how they looked before they died so one may see a head, torso or arm. Others don't have the energy to manifest on their own, but still wish to be seen; these types of ghosts usually appear as black figures. Black figures are not inherently evil but function the same way as black holes do. They are trying to be seen, and absorb the ambient energy from their immediate surroundings. This manifestation usually begins with a cold spot as the heat is absorbed, then as a dark spot as they absorb the light from around them. Walking through either a cold spot or a dark spot can be hazardous because they are drawing energy in and may sap yours. Finally, if a ghost cannot manifest itself it may try to effect things around them to get noticed. Things that operate off of electricity are the most susceptible to them, but they can effect other objects. Any object that they had an emotional attachment to or that reminds them of an emotional attachment will be easier for them to interact with than an average household item.

Check back for a later post "how to deal with a ghost"

Cemel Dosce

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